Logo inspiration 'Anything is Possible'

                Logos was a another part I was impressed about. When it came to passenger planes ,it was the logo that represents their identity among many look alike planes. At Airports,I remember(even today) I would look across the windows to find our air plane or name the planes,It has always been a fun thing to do.
My sketch on various plane logos found through various websites.
As you can seen above the rudder  was the main attraction part of the plane to place the logo.



Working on 'Anything is Possible'

My team , now became three with me, divided our catergories as 
  • Retro planes, 
  • War planes                
  • Passenger planes
Yay!me got Passenger Planes. As I googled images I saw slight differences in structures and function. I was also admired by the views and the angles of planes ,specially as they took off. Throughout the project I have stepped into not only pencil but also watercolours ,oil paint and ink.

Above is an image of the composition sketch I drew using watercolours . It was a part of the submission

My selected individual plane. This painting was done using oil paint . Although it didn't take much time to paint it did take about 2 days for a complete dry(it was a rainy season and I was hoping it won't take more than a day with the quantity I used). LESSON - ''start early cause it may take more time than you expect''


Anything is Possible

"Anything is Possible" was my first project..
              A project on an item to display at a museum. It could be anything! 
When I entered college in the February intake the project had already started and groups  were already made. Having to come to college midway I needed time to comprehend the project and the education system ,which is why I thought joining a group was the best idea. For the project, it was divided in pairs but still was an individual submission. So among my friends I had to pick 1- I choose AIRPLANEs!

I wanted to do something different. Something I thought that is unusual for me to pick . More or less I always  loved planes as they were able to fly in the sky and look at the world from the top. 


Be Influenced

              Year 1 has already started and the journey gets tougher. Being Influenced in the world of design gives in more ease for us. It develops creativity.Moreover when the design has its own logic it makes us feel more satisfying about the design. Hence the SEED is always important for all designs for it leads to our final amazing creation/s. 
         Thus I welcome you all to a magical world of influence.This blog is an assignment called "Seeds of Design Influence" ,given to us to from my college and I gladly welcome you all to take part to help me in this journey of design.

The ride begins,


                                            Lead your journey be influenced and inspired
                                                        (image source:Be influenced & inspired-http://www.flickr.com/photo)


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