'Stress' Concept models - the way to the final (attempt 2)

Now I'll show you my other thought that came to my mind. As usual I googled the word 'stress' just to get a clear picture to clarify of what I'm thinking is right. Below are some related pictures of my other thought on 'stress'


                                       (image from-http://www.theiinlife.com/journal/2011/08/just-relax/)

 Is it just me or doesn't this give you the feeling of an active volcano   
 (images from- http://www.123rf.com/photo_10405679_volcano-smoke--an-active-volcano-belches-smoke-and-molten-red-lava-in-an-eruption.html and http://didyouknowstats.wordpress.com/category/place/ )

 Ready to BURST and BLOW. Be aware its dangerous and vicious!

When it comes to the heat of stress there is this feeling where you are about to burst out and no one in the world know what you might attempt next. Its normally never good obviously since your out of control. Just like a volcano ; when its ready you can't stop it until its all out and calmed by its self. This influenced me to my 2nd attempt in model making.

I really need to find a better picture. sorry about the messy background. ( well I can't blame my self for being a designer , we are messy and neat at the same time :D)
The model is made out of clay. What I'm was trying to present here is something like , there is a volcano on top of our head.


'Stress' Concept models - the way to the final (attempt 1)

Stress! the word it self brings in some image to our heads. 

 One image was this- ''feel like pulling your hair out'',Stress gives bad punishment to your hair (image from http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/human-biology/stress-gray-hair.htm)

Well! this is what influenced me
kavi concept model 1
to make this.

It doesn't look that good. I Wish I could find a better picture ,at least wish I took one. I wonder if you can see the face that's there.

To make this I used card board, cemifix glue, tissues and a small piece of steel rod.


Concept Model - in learning(part 2)

                               In another class, which we official started creating something going along with our concept 'stress' , we were given two other random words: Ice and Path. These words were randomly cut out from a Sinhala and English news paper and randomly distributed among pairs. Along with a brief discussion we came up with something we thought was pretty fascinating, sadly didn't seem like so from the critiques we got. The idea came like a brainstorm to us and we were suppose to show the model on the day it self , so it was pretty amazing.
          For this model we used coloured board, sand , a plastic wire kind of a thing , stripes of  cloth, newspaper, black marker,glue and a pair of scissors.
          Unfortunately the model didn't survive and the rest was chewed by the dog(not kidding) but I will explain through a sketch of the model we made. Most of all  we wasn't encouraged by ourselves to take a picture. Looking back now Totally regret it. Lesson- "Always take photos of the final model". Somethings are unexpected ,even though personally your brain think its crappy sometime someone else could appreciate it, but mostly it the idea that you got need to save for the better and worse.
           We took stress as a whole and cut words we found from the newspaper , that we thought brought stress. The man is surrounded by a wire-framed sphere that symbolized stress; it was more elaborated with the cut out words we pasted on the sphere. As for the word "Path" , we took it as our life and represented it with the arrow which isn't straight.The Ice cubes represented the obstacles along our journey of life.
          Feedback we got was that they thought that it would have been better if we took one aspect of stress. I don't think we did a good explanation , which we had to work on. Other than that I just don't remeber. Obviously it was a good step but not inspiring as some other models made by other pairs , which is what I thought.


Concept Model - in learning(part 1)

               hmmmmmmmm..... It's like this, before we started our concept model for the submission as obvious we had some class to take part in.
Basically we were said to make any concept model in class itself. What came to my mind then was (again wanted something to relate from my life) how my parents can be very protective without their physical presence[living 115.2km away,3hour journey].So I made a concept model on 'Safety' using only a board ,glue/tape,scissor and a black pen.
                                                       My in-class model



Concept Model

A module on Concept and Model(Light and Space)

                     Concept planing was a challenge . Tangible , Non-tangible and Abstract .......it was too much to pick from. Again as the previous module ("Anything is Possible"-http://kavigotinfluenced.blogspot.com/2013/06/anything-is-possible.html ) we were set into pairs. Me and my friend at first had no clue what to pick. Then we looked around in the class, flashed backed to our personal lives which led to my(and my partner's) influence - my(/our) Friends. I thought that they had a lot going in their lives that most them were feeling 'stressful'(sometimes me too). Other than that I thought it will be more easier if we felt what we were doing.
This is how we were led to another influence ''Stress''.


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