Freedom Expression Imagery

       To me 'Freedom' was a tangible and non-tangible source . Thus for some time I had a hard time figuring it out. The easiest thing to do at such points is 'Google'. Well, it'll lead you to an idea that will help you proceed. And that is how I was lead to freedom as an expression in imagery.  

My freedom expression sketches

The above sketches were done on how I thought freedom was expressed and relating some images found on the internet. After I did my sketches I brought them out to simple shapes trying my best to maintain its emotion and expression


Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty
                                    One of the greatest examples for freedom. Below you see are some development pages where I extracted shapes and material.
sketching things out

this is my favourite: The outline structure is very unique,poised and built.To my opinion this is one reason for its attraction.

Structure brought out to its very simple form. material

One of my massing attempts



                                                                                my mind map

These were my influences throughout the project , leading me to colours,materials and design



multi-tasking women

What they do and what they want

Multi-tasking makes women busy as they have to balance many lives.Thus makes them urge for freedom.And this is how I got to my next design influence "Freedom".

note:sorry! but the image sources in the development pages are unknown. My apologize for not jotting down the sources in the proceeding of this project.(managed to find this


Women! now what!!

I came to look at women in general. Which evidently led to some categorizing as u see in the image below.

(just to list down the words I've used: professional,young,mid-thirties /2.unemployed,student,teenager /3.Mother,housewife)
For this I was also influenced by my mom ,my aunt and me
              My mom is a housewife
              My aunt is a teacher
              Me college student
Taking this to an analysis they were equally busy no matter what they were,which is why they are multitasking.


New Module - Retail project

                          This was our first project where we designed an actual space.It was very interesting at the same time challenging.
My influence in this project was women ,because 
  1. It was a retail store
  2. There are more women in Sri Lanka than men
  3. Most importantly women love to shop and hangout

development page

This is how I was led to do an 'Only Ladies' store



Ergonomics Lesson and Blood cells

    Ergonomics was an interesting lesson. At the end we were given an assignment and each group had to design something considering ergonomics in 30 min. Our group decided to design an front desk for an hospital. Why? because we thought the hospital is an important place that should/has to carter all ergonomics.
For our design we thought of taking a related item in common with the hospital and its patients. What came to our mind was 'Blood Cells' .
                                                    comparing Ergonomics  with our design

(guessed measurements) top view and perspective

The images shows our attempt of creating a conceptual, simple and healthy output of a desk with ergonomics.
Why green? cause it's a more healthy and calming colour as we thought is for a hospital
      Feedack was good :D!


Using Clay

                                      Clay as a media for the first time was influenced and inspired by my art teacher at school. I've seen her make amazing models out of them and I've seen incredible model she helped for others to make. Which became one reason to use it.

Although I've seen things being made I never had a chance to make them or atleast learned it .So this was a risk that I was taking .
Using Clay was fun but if you need it to last long you need to burn it which was not a possibility for me. So I had it often freshened up with water. For me this was good enough . However I'm definitely going to find places to get it burned next time I use it.
Clay was easy to find here but because of the dry weather it dried-up fast. What I realized is that clay models need to be at least one and half weeks made and done ,simply because the fate of it is unsure. If your in a hurry clay is probably not you media. It obviously gives a good texture and look but the more patient you are the better the output of clay is(according to my opinion)


Final Model

Finally the wait is over....You have now arrived to the last post of this module and to finally see what I handed over.
            Feedback on previous model-''it was good but didn't feel it'' was a sad moment yet I had to come up with something new , something better. But then again I had another challenge to survive ,which was 'Time'. I know all are favorite enemy at the peek of submissions.
           Started thinking again the question 'What is stress?' and I said to my self 'pressure' . realized that was what I needed to present in my model. looked at my previous models again to get a new idea and picked up bits and pieces , finally ending up creating something better.
           I re-did my volcano/stress model. Good thing it was clay. Although it was raw clay it was enough to stand still for the submission.

Final submission model

Stress is a over baring.That what I have symbolized on the top. stuff piled up gives more pressure. If you read my previous post you'll know what I've used the toothpicks to symbolize.

Close-up view of the model(light and space)

What the back looks like of the model. Crying Eyes.

my sketch

I've got a good mark for the model. Another feedback was that I had some good point presented through the module. Such a happy result for being the first model and also being the first model ever with clay.


The Final Model -premodels .3

Last but not least Model number 3.
Model 3

As I said before its basically the same concept seen differently. Stress obviously deal with the brain right, so what came to my mind visually is that the brain is like a sponge ,slightly literally but mostly visually (hope you agree).
      Thus obviously stress is on top of our heads creating pressure and becoming a burden. Without it being placed just on top and give no sense to it ,I added one more thing. As clearly seen yes, it is the toothpicks but why?
good question ;).
Stress is a pain , it's like thorns and knives. Toothpicks filled in that purpose for me inexpressing the pain that I want to give out through my model. Through this model another way of expressing this  is how stress is poking our brain in the most painful way.


The Final Model -premodels .2


 Premodel 2 and 3 are quite similar in concept, just seen in two different images when modeling it.
to make this more easier to understand I uploaded the concept model image below again. Sadly only have 1 image. If you have read my post before you would realize how regretful I have been regarding this , now I have one more point to add to that which is 'take more shots'.

Here I have seen 'Stress' as a weight / pressure. Now to a simple science/ maths point of view. In any object ' the smaller the surface is the the pressure is high'. As you can see in the models both elements at the top their base is smaller, symbolizing and scientifically bonding the model with the concept 'stress'.It actually really hard to keep these models standing ,I had to come up with tack tick that will still show my concept at the same time hold my model together(at least until I got them marked :D ).
Stress to me isn't a good experience which is why I had my model 2 spray painted Black( hmmmmm....very dark). For this model I have used brisilboard,masking tape and black spray paint.


The Final Model -premodel .1

         Before the submission it was definite as ordinary for me to be satisfied with my model but then again ,I have not yet gotten there. My feedback of both models weren't good either. Eventually I had to come up with some thing better within a short period of time. The only thing I could have thought at that moment was remodeling my clay model. Before I get to that I will like to show some premodel work that led to the final also the 2, I mentioned before.(my bad forgot to post this first)

(L-R: model 1, model 2, model 3)

The above picture shows three models I made. Model 1 is the first you see at your left. Model 1 was based on typical human feature.

note how they all keep their hands on their head with pressure, this was the inspiration for the model 1. Model 1 was made using just cardboard and some steel rods. easyyyyyy!!!


Spacial and Concept

                Creating a 3D model on a concept is hard. Mostly because it's just not a one go thing. The more you make the more the merrier. Believe me I had last minutes stuff to do till I was satisfied. To me ,making models are hard than submitting a painting. Harder than the paintings I've took weeks to finish.
                There are so many obstacles when creating the 3D models with the concept just because you have to many ideas , you end up not knowing which is right.
               Working with my first 3d concept model was hard. Specially when its a submission. You don't want to get it wrong.(so much hard work[depending that is :D])


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