McDonals New Outlook

When I was searching the designs and the general look of restaurants these days, I randomly came across a McDonald's video that awed me.
                        I also got to know about the new out look that they are trying bring in from my friend who is studying about it for an essay in a different module. The essay was also a reason that encouraged me check the video out.

After watching this video I was really impressed and inspired. I loved the design, the new theme. It was very nature friendly too.
Yes! it doesn't look like the typical McDonald but then again it serves right. In a world running fast and time running out where people are too busy , a design like this brings a peaceful mind making the able to enjoy what the eat. I love the layout of that they've used as seen on the above video; in a not much of a big space they've been able to show more space in the building , it also looks very comfortable.


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